FlexHead Duct Sprinkler Connections

No Leaks. No False Alarms. No Downtime.

FlexHead flexible sprinkler systems have been protecting exhaust ducts in semi-conductor/electronics facilities for more than fifteen years with no reported failures or leaks, and no sprinkler related downtime. During normal operation, patented FlexHead technology contributes to productivity by allowing the process to continue even during routine maintenance.

FM-Approved FlexHead Sprinklers
Install in Minutes
FlexHead sprinkler systems come complete with a flexible, stainless-steel hose, sprinkler head choice, mounting block, and head-protecting polybag with gasket that prolongs the life of the sprinkler head. Mounting blocks are available for all types of exhaust ducts. Typical installations take about 10 minutes per head. Total cost is less than traditional hard-pipe installations, which take up to four hours per head, and require an expensive, separate access port for inspection.

Factory Mutual has approved FlexHead’s complete exhaust duct sprinkler system, including the mounting block. So, out of the box, installations meet insurance requirements. Traditional hard-pipe installations must be individually inspected.

FlexHead’s flexible sprinkler systems, simplify installation and streamline routine inspections.

FABs Keep Running During Scheduled Maintenance

In addition to simplifying installation, FlexHead sprinkler design also streamlines inspection and maintenance. By simply releasing four hex nuts, the sprinkler head/polybag can be pulled out of the duct for direct visual inspection without interrupting FAB/plant operations.

start to finish, preventive maintenance takes about ten minutes per head and cost a fraction of hard-pipe inspection. In fact, many facilities have been retrofitted with FlexHead sprinkler systems for about the cost of one hard-pipe inspection cycle-getting more reliable protection at a much lower ongoing cost.